The life of a pretty crazy lil clan called the Koerbers. We love life together and praise the Creator and Author of that life!

Wednesday, April 08, 2009

A typical afternoon :)

And.... a three year old!!!


Aunt Mary said...

a one year old is a better dancer than me!! what a CUTE video... thanks for sharing, sissy!

Robin Saylor said...

those were so good i didn't want them to end!
i miss you like crazy ...

Howie, Kevin, and friends said...

she must get knocked over ALOT, shes gonna be one tough kid before its all over

marylins said...

the dancing one is HILARIOUS, they are all sooooo adorable!!!!

Anonymous said...

So glad I checked your blog today. I needed a good laugh and your children provided! Loved every moment of the entertainment. Thanks so much. Give them all a hug and kiss from me. Nama