The life of a pretty crazy lil clan called the Koerbers. We love life together and praise the Creator and Author of that life!

Monday, September 25, 2006

Here we go Stillers, here we go!

Little Sibling lovin'

Theo's first rice dinner - "I want my milk!"

There is nothing like this smile a bizillion times a day!

Boulder was delightful. I was overwhelmed by the mountains... they certainly are breath-taking. The time with my dear friends was so nourishing. We had such sweet times of sharing, tears and prayer. It truley was life giving.

Theo came home with a wheeze... I wonder if it was the change in temperature, altitude, or even moisture? It got bad. I thankfully have really happy wheezers. hmmm, thank you Lord? I think Isaac is on his way to getting the cold again too... UGH! Will this end?

Have I said lately that I LOVE my church? Sure, the pastor is hot, but wow... the people overwhelm me with their love for this city, for those that don't know the Lord, for college students, for young families. It has been really exciting to be a part of what the Lord's doing here.
I promise an update and some posted pictures REAL soon. Life is busy! Blessings dear friends...

Wednesday, September 13, 2006

Finally further west than Dallas...

Theo and I are heading out to Boulder, CO to visit with some dear, dear women in my life. I am looking forward to this opportunity to connect with Jennifer, Jane and Katie (& Owen) after too many years! We enjoyed and struggled through seminary together...

Isaac and Daddy will have some really good, intentional play-time!

Sunday, September 03, 2006

Why is it so hard to even take a shower with two children? I'm not kidding... I have dreds!

I had mentioned in my book tag that the one book that I wish had been written would explore motherhood from a reformed perspective. I know it sounds drab, but seriously... I'm not sure enough books have been written about motherhood period! I yearn to be a better mother... I yearn to do the best I can to fulfill this role that the Lord as called me to. Does any one have a recommended read?

Isaac has his 5th cold of the summer. It's driving me batty. He is pretty darn sick - he has been asking to go to bed all morning & has already taken a good long nap. (It's 11:30am!!) He really is downright miserable and I feel SO badly for him.

I love my church. I love the people that I have the opportunity to worship with every Sunday evening. I was struck during the service last night that I look forward to that time of the week more than any other time!